Homemade Non-Toxic Deodorant

by Jun 22, 2019Recipes

Your skin is the most absorbent part of your body there is, which is why if something does not belong in it, you should not put it on it.

There has been a huge debate in recent years about the potential dangers of substances such as aluminium in antiperspirant. This is mainly in relation to Alzheimer’s disease, which along with dementia in general is now responsible for more deaths than any other disease in the UK, and the most common form of cancer in women: breast cancer. And while the evidence is still equivocal with some experts claiming that there is no significant proof to suggest aluminium in antiperspirant is dangerous, here are some reasons why we think you should still avoid them:

1. Toxic Load

Many of these experts have dismissed the dangers of substances like aluminium based on the fact that the levels absorbed through the skin are not sufficient enough to cause toxicity. It is true that levels of one particular substance need to be excessively high to be the sole direct cause of a problem. However it is often because of the overall burden on the body from an accumulation of all the toxic substances combined that we start to become overwhelmed. Our body may be able to put up with one, however the more toxins you take into your body, the harder it has to work to eliminate them and be able to cope. This is why it is very hard to study and prove any problems when you take just one substance and measure it’s effect. There are studies which show aluminium and chemicals placed on the skin are absorbed, especially when the skin is made more permeable through things like shaving, so avoiding aluminium containing anti-perspirant could help to decrease your toxic load.


2. You Are Designed to Sweat

Sweating is a major detox pathway for our bodies. Anti-perspirant works because the aluminium in it blocks the sweat pours, and therefore blocks your body from detoxing. As above, the more toxins your body contains, the higher the burden is.


3. Inflammation

Toxins and foreign chemicals in our body cause an inflammatory response. While aluminium levels absorbed through the skin may not cause disease directly through toxicity, it may do by contributing to low levels of underlying chronic inflammation along with many other aspects of our lifestyle. Inflammation is one thing that definitely has conclusive evidence to support that it contibutes breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

However before you panic about having to choose between your health and not smelling, here is a recipe for a completely natural deodorant which actually works! There are many brands of aluminium free deodorants available now however we have actually found this home made one to be most effective..


  • Coconut oil (1 part)
  • Arrowroot (2 parts)
  • Bicarbonate of soda (1 part)
  • Shea butter (1 part)
  • A few drops of essential oil eg. Peppermint (for a fresh smell and feel)


1. Depending how much you want to make choose the method of measuring your part. For example we use 1 tablespoon for 1 part to make a small tub.

2. Put all the ingredients in a glass jar.

3. Boil some water in a saucepan/pot and place the glass jar with the ingredients in into the saucepan and water. (Use enough water to reach the level of the ingredients in the glass jar).

4. As the ingredients melts give it a stir until it is all mixed, and then pour it into your chosen container.


To use it, dab one finger into the deodorant and rub into your arm pits. You don’t need alot and if you hold it on the arm pit for a few seconds it will melt slightly making it easier to apply.

You may have to experiment around with balance of the ingredients for your body as we have sometimes found if we have used too much arrowroot or bicarbonate it can irritate the skin. Or if not enough it can be too oily. However to re balance the recipe all you need to do is melt it again in the same process and add in more of the ingredients of your choice.

Give it a go, snap a pic, tag us on social media and share it with your friends!

Dr Judith


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