Functional Medicine Blog

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EBV and HSV6 Viral Reactivation and Long COVID

One of the main mechanisms underlying Long COVID pathology is the presence of viral reactivation or awakened dormant pathogens. Virus's such as Epstein Barr (EBV) and Herpes Virus Type 6 (HHV6/HSV6) are well documented to underlie chronic health conditions such as...

Autoimmunity is a Hallmark of Long COVID

As we learn more about the pathogenesis of Long COVID, the presence of an autoimmune process appears to be a prevailing mechanism in how the condition manifests. The following video goes through some of the research on this subject, why autoimmunity may have occurred...

The Functional Causes and Solutions to an Underactive Thyroid

‘..hormone replacement therapy was ineffective for reducing symptoms such as depression, fatigue and increased weight in subclinical cases.’

Ketogenic Paleo Porridge

‘However, here are some reasons why you might choose our alternative recipe made from ground almonds and flaxseed to make your porridge a bit better…’

What is Functional Medicine?

‘A map to look at the patient’s journey and identify which routes their life took to arrive at the destination of what their health is today..’