Functional Medicine for Long COVID and Associated Illness

An estimated 2.1 million people in the UK are experiencing symptoms of Long COVID. We can help you to understand what is happening, and provide you with a holistic and individualised approach to help you to recover.

While we can provide specialist advice on factors which may contribute to conditions such as these, we do not claim to treat or diagnose these conditions. We are Doctors of Chiropractic and Functional Medicine Practitioners, therefore, we are not qualified to prescribe medication and diagnose medical conditions as Medical Doctors are. Functional Medicine is well suited to help you to understand WHY your health challenges may have commenced, however, it is not designed to substitute medical advice and management and, as such, you should never disregard medical advice, cease medication or delay seeking medical attention while working with a functional medicine practitioner. Functional Medicine is designed to complement medical management, not replace it.

What is Long


Picture of a man with long COVID and experiencing fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath and headaches.

Long COVID is being defined as symptoms of coronavirus infection that persist at least more than 4 weeks after an acute SARS-COV-2 infection, however, it is recognised that many people are experiencing symptoms for 12 weeks or more.

These symptoms include:

  • fatigue
  • shortness of breath
  • brain fog
  • chest pain and coughing
  • anxiety and depression
  • GI upset and nausea
  • neurological symptoms
  • headaches and dizziness
  • muscle and joint aches
  • heart palpitations

The widespread, varied and systemic nature of the condition has made it difficult for us to develop solutions using a conventional approach, and it is becoming more evident that a holistic and individualised method is more effective.

This means that we need to address the dietary, lifestyle and underlying health factors which are playing a role in an individuals response and recovery to coronavirus infection.


What is Happening in Long COVID?

Although Long COVID  (Post Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2) is a complex condition, we do have an understanding of the different mechanisms that appear to be present. These are similar to other chronic conditions which are associated with viral or microbial activity such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS).

Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Picture of a mitochondria which produces energy in the body and can be affected by long covidInfection and related inflammation can impair mitochondrial function in the body, and therefore cause deficits in energy production and symptoms in energy demanding systems and organs like the brain and nervous system. It has also been recognised that the virus can ‘hijack’ mitochondria and divert energy for its own replication rather than for our own cell’s use.

Brainstem Dysfunction

Picture of the brainstem which may be damaged by COVID-19

There is a hypothesis that damage can occur in the brainstem: directly from virus activity due to the brainstems relatively high expression of ACE2 receptors, and from systemic inflammation resulting from an acute infection. The brainstem is responsible for regulating breathing, cardiac function, digestion and neurological function which may explain symptoms some patients are experiencing.

Gut Dysbiosis

Picture of the gut microbiome which may be involved in Long COVID

It has been observed that SARS-COV-2 infection causes changes in the microbiome. The microbiome plays an important role in immune regulation and inflammation in the body. Those with a healthier balance of microbiota preinfection may also respond more favourably to SARS-COV-2 infection.

Mast Cell Activation

Picture of a mast cell which is an immune cell which releases histamine

Many symptoms of Long COVID are similar to symptoms experienced by people with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and has given rise to the theory that this may be a mechanism of the condition.

Autoimmune Activity and Persistent Inflammation

Picture of a immune cell and antibodies which may be involved in an autoimmune process after a coronavirus infection

It has been observed that an autoimmune type process may be occurring in Long COVID patients. Higher levels of autoantibodies have been identified in those that have been infected by SARS-COV-2, however, it is yet to be concluded whether this correlation is a direct result of the infection.

Viral Persistence and Viral Ghosts

Picture of a coronavirus

This theory suggests that the virus may continue to exist within the body after the acute infection has passed. The virus may remain dormant within cells in the body and then reactivate under certain conditions. Fragments of the virus may also continue to exist in the body which keeps triggering immune responses which results in ongoing inflammation.

Awakening of Dormant Pathogens

Picture of a microscope looking at pathogenic microbes which may become reactivated after a SARS-COV-2 infection

Dormant pathogens can remain dormant in the body, and can be kept under control by a healthy immune system. However, they can reactivate and emerge when the immune system becomes overwhelmed by a SARS-COV-2 infection.

Please note: the research surrounding COVID-19 and Long COVID is continually progressing and evolving, and as such, some theories will become more valid than others over time.

Image of Functional Medicine Long COVID YouTube Channel

Follow Our YouTube Channel for Long COVID Resources

Asides from the physical symptoms of Long COVID, the lack of answers and uncertainty is crippling for patients and contributing to significant anxiety.

Follow us on YouTube where we are posting regular content on Long COVID and post-vaccine-related illness.

Long COVID Success Stories

Picture of a past patient who was suffering with psoriasis and IBS in the UK before functional medicine

'I am now able to do all of those things without even thinking about my energy levels...' - Ellie

Long COVID was affecting me in every possible way – unable to work, socialise, exercise, do housework, and at times I was housebound.  I am now able to do all of those things without even thinking about my energy levels and I have learned so much from this process which will be with me for life.

There have been some really challenging times during my recovery but Jamie’s professionalism, constant support and understanding was so helpful – I couldn’t recommend him enough!

picture of a lady who recovered successfully from Long COVID, fatigue and loss of smell

'It has radically changed my life' - Lyn

I had been a longtime sufferer of long COVID for about 18 months. My sense of smell and taste disappeared, which then came back horrendously distorted – I could barely tolerate cooking, and I was very restricted as to what I could eat. I was also suffering from fatigue, brain fog, my arthritis had flared up badly and I was taking heavy-duty painkillers along with continuing historical anxiety and depression.

With the help of Jamie and Kirsty, a balance of supplements, and learning about nutrition and the importance of gut health, it has radically changed my life. I actually do believe that maybe having Long COVID did me a favour because it has set me on a completely different life path.

picture of a lady who recovered successfully from Long COVID and MCAS

'I am so incredibly grateful for the way I feel now; I have managed to recover a large percentage...' - Mariana

I was struggling with a lot of symptoms from chronic fatigue, to itching all over my skin, difficulty living my life daily, mast cell activation syndrome, a lot of food intolerances, and many many more…

I am so incredibly grateful for the way I feel now; I have managed to recover a large percentage and I have adopted so many healthy habits in my life and sometimes I have the feeling that I am building day by day even a better self from the one that I was before even getting sick.

How Can Functional Medicine Help with Long COVID?


Although the condition of Long COVID after an acute SARS-COV-2 infection is novel, it does have many similarities to other chronic health conditions that people have improved or resolved with Functional Medicine.

We have helped many people with chronic infection, chronic fatigue, autoimmune conditions, inflammatory disorders and gut problems to restore their health through an individualised and tailored approach.

Picture of a functional medicine doctor with a long covid patient

Reestablish Immune Balance and Reduce Inflammation

A hallmark of COVID-19 is inappropriate levels of immune reaction to the virus and hyperinflammation. We can help you to reduce inflammation and support your immune system’s recovery.

Picture of a Long COVID patient suffering with fatigue, headaches and shortness of breath
Picture of an immune cell in Long COVID recovery

Cellular and Mitochondrial Support

Inflammation and immune defence against viral threats can cause a lot of collateral damage to our cells. These processes and the recovery from which are very energy-demanding. We can help you to support cellular repair and optimise energy production.

Picture of mitochondria which can become dysfunctional in Long COVID
Picture of fermented foods which can be beneficial for the gut microbiome in Long COVID

Rebalancing The Gut

The gut microbiome is integral to immune and global health. Working to rebalance the microbiome can reduce inflammation, restore immune tolerance and improve digestive function. This can be achieved through the established 5R protocol.

Picture of a woman holding her gut in Long COVID
Picture of a coronavirus which can result in Long COVID

Antiviral and Antimicrobial Support

Some of our patients require antiviral and antimicrobial support if new or old re-emerging pathogens are burdening the body. Specialist lab testing may be able to confirm if this is present, along with a detailed history of your health.

Picture of a scientist looking through a telescope at viruses
Picture of healthy food which can help with Long COVID recovery


The food we eat on a daily basis has a huge influence on our response to, and recovery from, SARS-COV-2 infection. We can guide you on what to eat to support your immune system, reduce inflammation and mitochondrial function.

Picture of a family cooking healthy food for Long COVID recovery

Our Full Support

We are here to support you in your recovery. You can do something about Long COVID.

Dr Jamie and Dr Judith, IFM Fully Certified Functional Medicine Practitioners from the UK