Did you know the leftovers of your Sunday roast chicken can be the source of one of the most powerful tools to heal your skin, strengthen your immune system, rebuild your gut wall and boost your energy?

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Bone broth is packed full of nutrition including vitamins and minerals, collagen, glutamine, and gelatin which provide the following health benefits:

  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Reheals the gut wall (key for leaky gut syndrome which can contribute to autoimmunity, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes and other inflammatory conditions).
  • Reduces inflammation.
  • Maintains healthy skin which needs collagen to form elastin which can help to keep it hydrated, smooth and supports its elasticity.

Shops will now sell this in a powder form because of its healing abilities – however like most things man made and prepackaged, it can also full of unwanted preservatives and flavouring unless you are buying a high quality brand, so it is best to make your own as with the 1st recommendation in the 6 Steps to Eating Well Post.

Here’s how:

  1. Slow cook a meat joint/ whole chicken (organic/pasture raised will have a higher omega 3 content to corn/grain fed products).
  2. Carve off all the meat for your meal and keep all the scraps.
  3. After enjoying a good roast dinner, take all the scraps and throw them back in the slow cooker/crockpot with the leftover stock.
  4. Add a good dose of apple cider vinegar which will help to leach the nutrients from the bones.
  5. Add in any spare veg from the fridge.
  6. Fill the pot with water to completely cover the contents and cook on low for as long as you like (typically we’ll do this overnight, but we’ve heard of people doing it for even 15-24 hours)!
  7. Sieve out the contents and catch the broth in a bowl.

That’s it!

Enjoy the broth as a drink, soup or use all the broth as stock in other recipes.

We always feel energized and strong after doing this, and also good about using every bit of the chicken without letting any go to waste! Let us know how you get on, especially if you have gut issues which it may help with alot!

Dr Jamie and Dr Judith